


Undress is a major collaborative industry project to assess the impact of circular business models.


News: our market report on circular business models in electronics is now available online! Downloard the report and watch the replay of our launch event!

Circular business models gain in popularity, but their impact is hard to quantify – this project innovates an aligned assessment

Circular economy business models in the electronics sector such as rental, second hand and repair are rapidly gaining importance as they aim to reduce resource consumption by optimizing product use. However, it remains difficult to quantify the actual positive impact of these models and there is currently no standardized approach.

The „Undress Project“, implemented and led by Circularity in collaboration with Systemiq and Fraunhofer IZM and 12 industry partners, and supported by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt and Deloitte, sets out to develop a methodological framework and practical guide to assess the environmental impact of circular business models for the case of consumer electronics. This project will provide much-needed key insights for the transition to a truly sustainable circular economy, with the electronics sector leading the way.

Four key innovations underscore the strength of the project

The project has a focus on providing clear steps for practical use and empowering industry practitioners to assess and optimize their business models.

12 core industry partners bring in proprietary data to support the creation of a framework based on actual flows and create unique insights into the actual implementation of circular business models.

Industry partners contribute deep industry experience and ensure practical relevance; a diverse group of associated partners ensure alignment with ongoing regulatory, standardization and assessment processes.

The project provides insights into the impact from changes in the access and use of products induced by different access options, thus complementing current impact assessments focused on product carbon footprints (PCF).

The consumer electronics segment in Germany is used as core case

Consumer Electronics:

To assess different use patterns, the project focuses on frequently used devices (e.g., smartphones, laptops) and in-frequently used devices (e.g., gaming consoles, cameras) Both, the use of devices in the B2C context (individual users), and the B2B context (business users) is examined. 


German Market:

The project sheds light on changes in the access and use of electronic devices induced by rental, second hand and repair business models in Germany. It includes relevant aspects of the typical life journey of devices beyond Germany as relevant parameters to the overall impact assessment (e.g., design and manufacturing; export and end-of-life).

All results will be published in two main reports

Developed based on real data and industry insights, the project results are made publicly available in two reports: Market & consumer behaviour report (Q3 2024), and as key result, an industry report (Q1 2025), including:

  • Practical, step-by-step guide to assess the impact of particular circular business model options

  • Latest data on consumer behaviour on access options and device use for individual users (B2C) and in the business context (B2B)

  • Industry system map and key insights into industry dynamics and actors 

  • Unique insights into circular business model practices and actual product flows across lifetime

  • Concrete case studies from pioneering companies to make results tangible

Participants at Undress

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